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 Computers » Graphics » Web » Colors


Online Tools (13) Software (13)  

 Web Pages    1 - 10   of   29

 1 - VisiBone Browse Website open in new window
Printed references and free resources for web design, with Color, HTML, and Style Sheets. Free services include Color Lab, Swatch Libraries and all hexadecimal color codes on screen at once Decimal RGB version too.


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Article about non-dithering colors in browsers, by Lynda Weinman.


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Designer's color scheme lab. Choose colors by clicking on the hue-symmetrical color wheel on the left. Choices appear side-by-side on the right with hexadecimal html and decimal rgb codes and all text / background combinations. Each shading series, co...


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 4 - Color Blender Browse Website open in new window
Takes two user-defined valid colors and creates a palette using a set number of points between the colors.


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All 216 web safe hexadecimal HTML color codes arranged by hue in a one-screen color wheel. Swatch library arrangement of colors. Decimal RGB chart also.


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A visual guide to choosing colors for web pages. Interactive palettes to experiment with the colors.


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 7 - Easy RGB Browse Website open in new window
Match RGB and color data to real products and color collections. Convert color data and find color complements, schemes and harmonies.


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Uses blended colors and transparency to create color schemes.


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 9 - moreCrayons Browse Website open in new window
Resource for web designers and developers to test an expanded palette of 4, 096 colors for the web. The web-smart palette pages show different demonstrations of the palette.


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Palette creator based on use of a color wheel.


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