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 Computers » Graphics » Web » Colors

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Move mouse over hexagon palettes and the hexadecimal, RBG, percent and font color codes will appear. Click and move arrow to selected color to lock into place.


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A case study in color management for distributed digital media.


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Vertical chart of image bars with names, hexadecimal and RGB codes, includes an HTML page with the chosen color.


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Create color themes beyond the safe color palette.


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An alphabetical listing of color names that give both a hexadecimal and RGB color code, when selected. Also, works as a solid color background tester for text.


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 16 - Web Safe Colors Browse Website open in new window
A well organized listing of the 216 web safe colors.


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HTML color chart showing which combinations are most suitable for web page design.


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 18 - Colorspeak Browse Website open in new window
An experiment to explore how colors are perceived and associate with the so-called safe palette.


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A javascript illustration of the 216 basic colors and their codes, plus a suggestion that there are perhaps only 212 or 8 safe ones.


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 20 - GoToMy(dot)com Browse Website open in new window
A 400+ hexadecimal color chart.


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