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 Computers » Algorithms » Sorting and Searching

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Navl, the C# implementation of threaded and counted AVL trees in a single class; ternary search tree implementation in C.


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Collection of sorting algorithms in C


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 23 - Sequitur Browse Website open in new window
A method for inferring compositional hierarchies from strings, useful for recognizing lexical structure in long sequences. Examples, source code, description, publications, and an on-line demonstration.


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Overview of many sorting techniques and corresponding links.


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A Java implementation of the Wealthy Adaptative Search Algorithm, a constraint-solving algorithm using a stochastic approach.


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Sorting algorithms illustration by Mark Baker


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An O(n!) algorithm with downloads for Win98 and Unix platforms.


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Applet visualizing various sorting algorithms, English version of Peter Weigel and Andreas Boltzmann applet.


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A specification of a new 'bubble sort' in three or more dimesions, with illustrative images.


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 30 - Suggest Trees Browse Website open in new window
A data structure for rank-sensitive autocompletion that allows finding quickly the top k best-ranking completions of a given prefix and changing the ranking on the fly.


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