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 Computers » Algorithms » Sorting and Searching

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Fast Algorithms for Sorting and Searching Strings - The original paper and examples by Jon Bentley and Robert Sedgewick.


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Description of sorting algorithms with examples


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Overview of algorithms to find the median in a list of values; implementations and links are also provided.


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Collection of algorithms for sorting and searching from arrays to B-Trees - theory, examples, implementation.


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Overview of many sorting techniques and corresponding links.


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Article describing and discussing the SoundEx searching algorithm and enhancements to make it more accurate. Includes SoundEx conversion form and Open licensed source code in C, JavaScript, and Perl.


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 17 - FlashSort Browse Website open in new window
Sorting by in place permutation with time complexity O(n) using an auxiliary vector. Papers, animations and implementations.


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 18 - Suffix Tree Browse Website open in new window
ANSI C implementation of E. Ukkonen's algorithm that makes it convenient to do string matching against a data set in O(N) time. Includes source code, an interface in Perl, and a write-up.


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Resources on the Levenshtein Algorithm for fault-tolerant search. Website contains online demos and efficient implementations.


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Fast String Searching With Suffix Trees by Mark Nelson


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