Embedded systems consultant for small (8/16-bit) and distributed microprocessor systems. Contract hardware and software development for most microcontrollers. Specialist: Forth, Assembly, C. By Bradford J. Rodriguez, Ph.D.
Embedded systems consultant for small (8/16-bit) and distributed microprocessor systems. Contract hardware and software development for most microcontrollers. Specialties: Forth, Assembly, C.
ANS-compatible Forth compiler and interpreter for embedded processors: 6809, 8051, 8086, Rabbit 2000, Z80, and Z180. Began as education project for 'The Computer Journal', but has since become popular for embedded system programming.
Freelance embedded systems engineer; focus: hardware and software development for low-end (8/16-bit) microcontrollers. Created: CamelForth ANS Forth compiler for embedded controllers, Chromium Forth meta/cross-compiler, Scroungemaster II educational m...