An AmbySoft Inc. white paper by Scott W. Ambler. This design reflects author's several years of experience building and using persistence layers in several languages.
Introduces the concept of process patterns, reusable building blocks from which an organization may tailor an object-oriented software process. Process patterns bring reuse and consistency to the entire OO software process (OOSP). By Scott W. Ambler, ...
Building Large-Scale Systems Using Object Technology. Covers how the object-oriented development process works. Shows a detailed view of the Initiate and Construct phases of OO development, the phases where software is built. By Scott W. Ambler, SIGS ...
Delivering Large-Scale Systems Using Object Technology. Discusses how the entire object-oriented development process works. Covers the Deliver phase and the Maintain and Support phase of OO development. By Scott W. Ambler, SIGS Books.
The Application Developer's Guide to Object-Orientation. An introduction to object-oriented analysis and design techniques. By Scott W. Ambler, SIGS Books.
Step-By-Step Handbook for Developing Robust Systems Using Object Technology. Written in everyday language and covers topics that are pertinent to real-world developers. This book is written from a developer perspective. By Scott W. Ambler, SIGS Books.