Localization guide for HyperCard stacks. This tool navigates the user through the stack he is localizing, stopping at each field and button name which needs to be translated.
SDB allows you to display dialogs, alerts, and coolAlerts of your application. Requires an associated scriptfile which specifies the relationships between the text and the dialogs. Version 2.1 adds support for displaying coolAlerts under QuickDraw GX.
The Verifier is an Apple internal localization verification tool. It is used to catch localization problems such as corrupted CODE resources, and mismatched resource attribute bits. It is very customized to Apple's internal needs, but it may serve as ...
Contains the mailagent package itself. This is a Unix mail filter (a la filter, vacation, or procmail) written in Perl. Last updated sometime in 1997 ...
Free software distributed under the GNU public license for Unix. Provides the NNTP capabilities required for serving a small local news spool. Also suitable for exchanging news with supplemental news sources for full scale news servers.
For Unix-like systems. A threaded newsreader with an X Window interface. Distributed under the GNU public license. Handles MIME, attachments, killfiles, and launches URLs by clicking.