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 Computers » Usenet » Software

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A flexible CGI tool that implements a Usenet newsreader through HTML pages. GPL'ed. Has been tested on GNU/Linux.


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Acts as a proxy that converts UUencode to yEnc and supports SSL encryption; includes a configuration wizard for Outlook Express and Windows Mail. A freeware version with limited features is also available.


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Open source utility that decodes files in yEnc, UUencode and Base 64 formats widely used on binary newsgroups. Versions available for Mac OS 7, 8, 9, and X as well as Motorola 68K based Macintosh computers.


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A web-based, open source, multi-user CGI news reader written in Perl. Also works with Apache and with mod_perl.


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 15 - Usenet4Free Browse Website open in new window
Perl-based GPL gateway between Usenet and the Web.


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 16 - Par2.net Browse Website open in new window
Information and downloads for tools for handling par and par2 archives. Par and Par2 are file formats used for sending files via Usenet.


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Has several shareware applications specialized in binary newsgroups for Windows and Mac OS X, such as NZB client software, yEnc, RAR, and PAR decoders or a picture downloader.


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 18 - TR Newsportal Browse Website open in new window
A modified version of the open source Newsportal Usenet-Web gateway.


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 19 - NewsWolf Browse Website open in new window
Desktop application to search for public news servers.


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 20 - NNTPspider Browse Website open in new window
A cross platform, open source application written in Perl which searches public news servers.


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