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 Computers » Usenet » Search » NZB

 Web Pages    11 - 20   of   20 Back to NZB Home 

 11 - BinTube.com Browse Website open in new window
Binary newsgroup search engine. Features NZB file creation, NFO display and RSS feeds.


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 12 - NZBs.org Browse Website open in new window
Automated binary newsgroup indexer.


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 13 - GoNZB.com Browse Website open in new window
Search engine that allows NZB file generation from usenet posts. Also features RSS feeds, advanced multicriteria search and personalization.


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Searchable archive of Usenet binary content and NZB downloads, also provides .nfo descriptions, RSS feeds and newly released NZB tracking.


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User-friendly description of NZB files widely used in binary newsgroups, non exhaustive list of NZB compatible newsreaders and technical details of this open format for developers.


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Subscription based service, allows search of Usenet binary content and creation of NZB files.


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 17 - NZBSource.com Browse Website open in new window
Maintains a list of links to NZB search engines and indexers.


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 18 - NZBSites.com Browse Website open in new window
Listing of NZB sites, showing the availability of RSS feed and/or forum per site.


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 19 - Binindex Browse Website open in new window
Binary newsgroup search engine. Allows creation of NZB files. A watchlist, an RSS feed as well as a NFO database that can be searched are also available.


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 20 - NZBClub.com Browse Website open in new window
Automated search engine featuring NZB creation and RSS feeds. Also allows users users to browse newsgroups.


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