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 Computers » Speech Technology » VoiceXML


Language Specs (44)  

 Web Pages    1 - 10   of   34

 1 - JVoiceXML Browse Website open in new window
VoiceXML interpreter for JAVA supporting JAVA APIs such as JSAPI and JTAPI. News, documentation, and downloads.


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 2 - Loquendo Browse Website open in new window
A global speech technology company, with speech recognition, text-to-speech, voice browsing, and VoiceXML solutions for telecommunication carriers and enterprises.


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 3 - TellMe Studio Browse Website open in new window
Free VoiceXML tools and reference to build, test, and deploy on the TellMe voice portal network.


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Tools and documentation for creating VoiceXML applications on a trial basis.


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 5 - BeVocal Cafe Browse Website open in new window
Free web-based VoiceXML developer site with tools and resources for creating VoiceXML applications. VoiceXML tutorials and samples.


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Voxpilot delivers VoiceXML solutions for carriers, enterprises, integrators and service providers. Its flagship product, Voxpilot Open Media Platform, is one of only three platforms independently certified for its conformance to the W3C VoiceXML 2.0 R...


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Provides automated IVR telephone solutions, platforms, and IVR hosting using web, VoiceXML and CCXML technologies. Also has a developer site with VoiceXML/CCXML tutorials and free prototyping test environment.


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 8 - Eurekasoft Browse Website open in new window
Produces intelligent network solutions including a VXML interpreter, telecom multimedia server and ORATEUR Studio, a telecom applications development platform. Based in Chatillon, France


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Phonologies develops and markets core voice technologies based on VoiceXML and SIP, and customized voice application solutions.


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 10 - Prosodie Voice Browse Website open in new window
Provides inbound IVR and outbound telephony solutions. Press information, partnerships, and stock market information.


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