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 Computers » Software » Shareware » Windows » Programming

 Web Pages    61 - 63   of   63 Back to Programming Home 

 61 - Help and Manual Browse Website open in new window
A WYSIWYG Windows help-authoring tool that can also be used to print professional-looking manuals and create HTML pages. The program includes a help decompiler for turning compiled HLP files into source code. A unique built-in syntax highlighter enabl...


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 62 - Code Counter Browse Website open in new window
Software to count source code lines in many different languages. Sortable and exportable to CSV or other spreadsheets such as MS Excel. [Windows 95/98/ME/NT 4.x/XP/2000]


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 63 - GPS ActiveX Browse Website open in new window
Get GPS information into your Visual Basic application or web page. Garmin, Magellan, Navman or any NMEA 0183 enabled GPS supported. UTM, SPCS, British National Grid, and most other national coordinate systems supported. [Windows and Pocket PC]


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