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 Computers » Software » Shareware » Windows » Programming

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Registry Pro is an activeX registry control that gives activex and COM (dll) developers easy access to the power of Windows registry programming. Detailed help file and example programs included.


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 52 - Material Dreams Browse Website open in new window
Several tools for the Oracle developers.


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 53 - VxDWriter Browse Website open in new window
A Windows 95/98 virtual device driver development tool. It enables you to develop Windows 95/98 virtual device driver (VxD) in C/C++. No assembly language programming skill is required with this tool.


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 54 - IntellePret Browse Website open in new window
Prepares an expression program and stores it in an intermediate state, allowing repeated high speed execution. A COM component with complete automation capabilities and can be used with C++, Visual Basic and Active Server Pages.


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 55 - Process Tree Browse Website open in new window
Displays active processes and modules in a tree view, organized by ownership.


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 56 - AAA-Soft Inc. Browse Website open in new window
AAA EasyGrid ActiveX has exceedingly powerful functions, can do form control such as edit, input, print, print preview, and connect to multi-databases.


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 57 - PE Corrector Browse Website open in new window
Tool for correcting Windows Portable Executable files (exe, dll, sys, bpl, dpl, cpl, ocx, acm, ax, scr). This program is very useful when you need to clear trash from PE files and protect your private information from crackers.


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 58 - SMS ActiveX Browse Website open in new window
(OCX) control for websites and Visual Basic users. Send SMS messages from Microsoft IIS 5 web site or a Visual Basic 6 program with the mobile phone attached by a serial cable.


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Software component that provides developers with a host of useful, carefully designed functions for compressing and uncompressing files and data. Its most popular functionality is the ability to create, read and write Zip files.


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 60 - ActiveX Manager Browse Website open in new window
Provides a simple user interface that enables you to view registered controls, remove misbehaved controls, and register new controls. [Win 95/98/Me/NT/2000]


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