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 Computers » Software » Shareware » Windows » Programming » Editors

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 11 - Visual Assist X Browse Website open in new window
An add-in for Microsoft Visual Studio 2005, .NET, and VC++ 6.0. Provides advanced code parsing and refactoring.


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 12 - Workspace Whiz Browse Website open in new window
Powerful Visual Studio add-in designed to improve developers' productivity by allowing quicker source navigation and coding, works with Visual C++ 6.0, Visual C++ 5.0, and eMbedded Visual C++ 3.0. 21-day trial.


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A programmers editor for assembly, written entirely in ASM using the A86 assembler. Editor uses built in utilities to make coding simpler, and faster.


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AXE is a powerful, ergonomic tool for editing and analyzing files, disks, and memory. Features include the ability to handle huge files, scripts, structures, bookmarks, unicode, arithmetic, diffs, and an intuitive modern interface.


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 15 - Divcom Software Browse Website open in new window
Help authoring tools, help compilers. Help Development Studio is a stand-alone tool for creating application help systems. Hotspot Builder is an editor of segmented hyper graphics files, which are used in help systems.


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A powerful Windows and UNIX programmer's editor patterned after IBM's XEDIT and PDF editors.


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An 32-bit text/HEX/HTML/Programming editor with features for Web page authors and programmers. Site offers feature overview, screenshots, changelog, download and FAQ. [Windows 2000/XP/2003]


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 18 - Microride Browse Website open in new window
Enigma IDE and text editor. Features list, trial download, and support information.


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 19 - SannySoft Browse Website open in new window
Perl Editor makes writing and debugging Perl scripts easier and shorting developing time. Features include syntax highlighting, running, debugging, and breakpoints. Screenshots, download, and software description.


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A syntax coloring text editor for program languages, scripts, HTML, configuration files, and documentation. Built-in project support, and help. Comes with pre-defined definition files for the most popular programming languages.


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