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 Computers » Software » Shareware » Windows » Programming » Editors


Hexadecimal (9)  

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Powerful 32-bit text editor for programmers, files can be edited up to the limits of virtual memory. Frequently used combinations of commands can be saved as keystroke macros, and the spelling checker has dictionaries for 13 languages.


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 2 - EditPlus Browse Website open in new window
A 32-bit text editor with a powerful set of features for Web authors and programmers, features, including: customizable syntax highlighting with support for HTML, CSS, ASP, JavaScript, VBScript, PERL, PHP, Java, C/C++, and many other languages.


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Professional text editor with many features some are the ability to create your own syntax schemes, support for projects, and create tools that launch specified programs and documents, with integration support for command line compilers.


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 4 - PE Explorer Browse Website open in new window
View, edit and repair internal structures of PE binaries, including file resources. Can be used as a reverse engineering tool to disassemble the executable files. [Win 9x/ME/NT/2000]


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PrimalScript a scripting IDE code-level development tool. Faster and easier with language-sensitive Primalsense, code snippets, project management, and works with over 30 languages.


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Editor and IDE tool with support for 33 programming languages.


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Programmer's editor that supports the Brief, Epsilon, Wordstar and EMACS keyboard mappings. Compiling and building can be run in the background along with in-editor, in-line error location and correction facility that works with most compilers.


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A win32 text-mode editor useful for all developers of dynamic web pages. Code Completion, SQL console, FTP Manager with additional features.


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Perl CGI programming editor tool for writing, editing and debugging Perl CGI scripts for Windows and Unix. Detailed Perl help in HTML format is included, along with a syntax-checking tool.


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Tool for writing, editing, and debugging PHP scripts and HTML pages. It has a built-in FTP client and browser, Code and File Explorer, customizable Code Templates, and other PHP-specific features for comfortable development. [Windows 95/98/Me/NT4/2000/XP]


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