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 Computers » Software » Shareware » Windows » NT

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 21 - Net Latency Browse Website open in new window
Developer of NT network management products, all of our code is created using standard Windows NT function calls and Microsoft Visual C++.


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UMA is a tool developed for Windows NT administrators to simplify the process of creating and managing multiple users in a Windows NT domain.


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 23 - Winsock RSHD/NT Browse Website open in new window
Remote shell daemon for Windows NT, and Windows 2000.


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Tool to monitor the use or abuse of PCs. It logs keystrokes, user name, passwords, visited URLs, path names, access times and windows title of the active application. The information is stored in an encrypted text file. (Win 95/98/NT/2000)


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Advanced fax server software for PC networks. Two versions of the software is available, a 16-bit fax server for Microsoft Windows and a 32-bit fax server which will run on Windows 95 and as a 32-bit service under Windows NT (Intel or RISC CPU) Server...


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Phone and Address Manager for NT users designed for ease of use. Organize all phone numbers, home addresses, email addresses and website addresses.


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 27 - SDManager Browse Website open in new window
Manage access permissions and auditing tool for NT administrator.


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 28 - PowerSync Browse Website open in new window
Offers schedule-based, cross-platform, one-to-many and many-to-one data replication of server directories and files across LANs and WANs, with centralized management.


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 29 - Restart Services Browse Website open in new window
Monitor and restart services running on WinNT or 2000 server. It is good to defend IIS denial of services caused by hacker attack.


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Directory Watch 1.2 is a directory monitoring application. For Windows NT it runs as a service which allows it to survive the logon and logoff process.


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