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 Computers » Software » Shareware » Windows » NT


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Remote administration tool for Windows NT web hosts.


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Here you can find software, answers, sites, consultants, jobs and resumes.


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Create onscreen virtual keyboards with easy to use software. Suitable for POS, touchscreens, or anywhere a physical keyboard is not desired.


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Powerful virtual-desktop manager that lets you have up to 10 independent working areas. Desktops can have their own color, pattern, or wallpaper, plus their own set of shortcut icons.


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Lets administrators set rules for a local computer, defining when any program can be executed, and by whom.


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 6 - Adkins Resource Browse Website open in new window
Microsoft Windows NT / 2000 System Management Software.


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Manages Windows NT/2000 Service Packs and Hotfixes on the enterprise network.


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Allows operating systems and applications to run inside virtual machines. It effectively lets you operate under Linux, Windows NT or Windows 2000, all at the same time.


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Allows you to supervise, by daily recording to CSV format, the different sessions, and different opened files by users. The management of authorized, and trusted domains is also available.


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 10 - WDumpEvt Browse Website open in new window
Administration tool that makes it easy to view all the information from Windows NT logs.


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