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 Computers » Software » Operating Systems » Realtime


ChorusOS (2) DOS (12) eCos (5)
Erlang (205) EROS (10) FreeRTOS (4)
Harmony (1) IRIX (3) Jbed (1)
KolibriOS (4) L4 (12) Linux (14)
LynxOS (4) MenuetOS (10) MicroC-OS (3)
Microkernel (11) Nucleus (7) Open Source (10)
OS-9 (8) POSIX (5) PURE (1)
QNX (14) REAL-32 (4) Research (15)
Resources (13) RTEMS (6) RxDOS (4)
Symbian (85) Synchronous Languages (10) ThreadX (4)
TRON (8) Unix (3) VxWorks (3)
Windows CE (37)  

 Web Pages    1 - 10   of   26

Makes pSOSystem, OSEKWorks, Virtuoso, VxWorks RTOSs (and BSD/OS). Merged with Integrated Systems, Inc., world leader in providing full embedded system software and design automation solutions: software, hardware, custom design, world-class support.


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Growing article, with links to many related topics. Wikipedia.


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The VMEbus International Trade Association


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Hard realtime extension, under 30µs interrupt response times; for Linux, and standard with SGI IRIX Unix OS; Silicon Graphics, Inc. Open source.


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Develops and distributes the OSE family of real-time operating systems and embedded development tools for high reliability telecom/datacom, medical, automotive and safety critical applications.


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 6 - TenAsys Corp. Browse Website open in new window
Specializes in real-time virtual machine technology that combines the Windows OS and a hard real-time OS on a single x86 PC compatible computer.


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 7 - VenturCom, Inc. Browse Website open in new window
Enabling Windows NT and Windows CE for embedded and real-time applications


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 8 - Pumpkin, Inc. Browse Website open in new window
Makes Salvo RTOS, designed expressly for very low cost embedded systems with highly limited ROM and RAM (normal uses: 1-2K ROM, 50-100 bytes RAM) and/or no software stack. Priority-based, cooperative multitasking, event services, real-time delays.


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 9 - NewMonics, Inc. Browse Website open in new window
Leading supplier of Java-compliant virtual machines for embedded and real-time systems.


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 10 - CMX Company Browse Website open in new window
Makes multitasking RTOS products: CMX-RTX (full RTOS), CMX-TINY+ (small RTOS), CMX-TCP/IP, CMXBug, CMXTracker. These support most 8/16/32/64-bit embedded controllers, processors, DSPs, over 30 compiler vendors.


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