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 Computers » Software » Operating Systems » Realtime » QNX

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Canadian firm that develops, maintains, and markets QNX RTOS and related products: Photon microGUI, QNX/Neutrino, IAT, FLEET, FTL, QNX In-Hand Toolkit, PhAB, Phindows, PhinX, Voyager. QNX is fast microkernel, POSIX.1 compliant, x86 platform, year 2000...


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Growing article, with links to many related topics. Wikipedia.


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Created to be central information resource for QNX community: news, explanations, FAQ, forums, newsgroups, mailing lists, downloads, links, tech reviews, searches, fun, tips, online live support. English.


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Home of Workspace, a free yet powerful Photon native code editor, downloads, modules, screenshots, guest book.


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DACHS fieldbus technologies for Open Control Architecture with QNX, IEC1131-3 and industrial hard- and software standards meet requirements of industrial automation today and tomorrow. This open system is cost-effective by minimizing costs of ownership.


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Provides services to the QNX community, from training and consulting, to custom development and contracting. Also distributes QNX and related products.


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Delivers tools, components and libraries to C++ developers for the QNX real-time operating systems. Main software offering is the Zinzala SDK, a complete C++ software development kit which takes full advantage of the QNX RTOS.


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A community project to develop QNX on handheld devices. It is a public extension of the QNX's iPAQ reference platform.


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 9 - QNX-night Browse Website open in new window
An international page for QNX Community Meetings, getting together at fairs or at any other event as well as announcing regular meetings in different cities.


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 10 - IBK-Consult Browse Website open in new window
QNX RTOS training courses (focus: programming, system administration), consulting, programming. Specialty: medical device connection in critical care workplaces, standards IEEE 1073 MIB, CEN/TC 251 WG IV.


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