New microkernel operating system for x86 computers, many features: network and Internet modules, file system (FAT); kernel handles memory, tasks, micro kernels, and some base devices: keyboard, video, hdd, and ramdrive.
SUpport for Multimedia in Operating systems, Lancaster University: microkernel OS with facilities to support distributed realtime and multimedia applications and ODP-based multimedia distributed application platforms.
Portable object-oriented microkernel OS, dynamically loaded device drivers, fully redesigned and rewritten many times in C++, runs on VAX, x86. Ongoing experiment in using O-O paradigm as framework for full OS, with distributed computing as main aspec...
Goal: scalability of highly parallel multicomputer systems. Based on small microkernel that does process management, interprocess communication; all other services are processes out of kernel. Processes and address spaces orthogonal, so Cosy process i...
High performance, general-purpose research OS kernel for cache-coherent multiprocessors, for next generation servers ranging from small-scale (to grow ubiquitous), to very large-scale non-symmetric (growing important in commercial and technical enviro...
One user microkernel (nearer an exokernel), very small, version of Empix Unix-like OS developed at the Computing Systems Laboratory, National Technical University of Athens.