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 Computers » Software » Operating Systems » Linux » Projects » Libraries


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Threads (118) Tools (3)  

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For the development Of LIBMCAL - a standards based calendar library.


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 2 - Libevent Browse Website open in new window
Asynchronous event notification library. The libevent API provides a mechanism to execute a callback function when a specific event occurs on a file descriptor or after a timeout has been reached.


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 3 - GNU C Library Browse Website open in new window
The GNU C library is used as the C library in the GNU system and most newer systems with the Linux kernel.


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Home page for SGI's File Alteration Monitor. FAM provides a Unix API and daemon that tells client processes when a file has changed.


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A link library that attempts to diagnose run-time errors that are caused by the wrong use of dynamically allocated memory. Along with providing a configurable log of all dynamic memory operations that occurred during the lifetime of a program, the lib...


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 6 - CoreLinux++ Browse Website open in new window
CoreLinux++ is both an initiative to normalize methods and conventions for OOA/OOD/C++ development for Linux, as well as a set of Open Source C++ class libraries to support common patterns and exploit the C++ standards.


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The State Threads is a small application library which provides a foundation for writing fast and highly scalable Internet applications (e.g., web, proxy, mail servers) on UNIX-like platforms. It offers a threading API for structuring a network applic...


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ANSI C Freeware under LGPL including AVL and Splay Trees, Sparse Arrays, and Linked Lists. For Linux, Amiga, and *BSD.


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shhopt - library for parsing command line options.


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 10 - the ADFlib Page Browse Website open in new window
A portable C library designed to manage Amiga formatted devices like harddisks and ZIP disks, or dump files of this kind of media via the .ADF format.


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