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 Computers » Software » Internet » Clients » WWW » Browsers » Firefox » Extensions

 Web Pages    51 - 60   of   174 Back to Extensions Home 

 51 - Autohide Browse Website open in new window
Set which toolbars to see or hide, allows for a true full fullscreen mode.


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 52 - Tab History Browse Website open in new window
Links opened in a new tab retain their session history, cloning the backward history of the tab to all tabs it opens.


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Let's you select an action to perform with different clicking events on the tab bar or a tab


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A set of tools and libraries for developers of AJAX and Mozilla applications, packaged as an extension.


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 55 - Deepest Sender Browse Website open in new window
Post to LiveJournal (and LiveJournal based sites) directly from Firefox.


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Developer site including the extensions: Define, Dummy Lipsum, Extension List Dumper, NewTabURL, searchOnTab, Tab To Window, TimeStamp Converter and withAttach.


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 57 - SkipScreen Browse Website open in new window
Skips annoying click or wait pages on download sites like Rapidshare, Megaupload, and zShare.


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Execute commands without using the keyboard, menus or toolbars. Instead, the user holds down a mouse button (usually the right one), moves the mouse in a certain way to form a gesture, then releases the mouse button.


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 59 - Ghostery Browse Website open in new window
Alerts users about the web bugs, ad networks and widgets on visited web pages. News, screenshots and download.


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 60 - ReloadEvery Browse Website open in new window
Automatically reloads a web page every so many seconds or minutes.


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