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 Computers » Software » Internet » Clients » WWW » Browsers » Firefox


Advocacy (12) Derivatives (12) Extensions (218)
FAQs, Help and Tutorials (13) News and Media (9) Themes (14)

 Web Pages    1 - 10   of   18

Quality assurance and testing blog for Mozilla Firefox and Thunderbird.


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Provides general information about the browser, its features and development history, together with common criticisms and references.


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A fully functional package of Firefox optimized for use on a USB key drive. A specialized launcher will allow most favorite extensions to work as you switch computers.


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 4 - Access Firefox Browse Website open in new window
Firefox accessibility tools and resources, including themes and add-ons for visually impaired and colorblind users.


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Quality assurance and testing blog for Mozilla Firefox and Thunderbird


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Weblog about developments in the nightly builds.


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Charts developments in the nightly builds.


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 8 - MozBackup Browse Website open in new window
A freeware Windows utility for backing up Firefox, Thunderbird and Suite user data.


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Threaded discussion board. Including a support forum that allows guest postings.


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Info and tips about Firefox


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