NURBS and polygonal modeling, Subdivision Surfaces, Construction History, full OpenGL support, the advanced modeling tools, all industry leading rendering techniques, data exchange with most popular CAD and animation programs, available on both Window...
An ambitious project to create a feature rich, extensible 3D modeling environment. Currently emphasizes povray export for scene rendering, but support for other formats are planned. Program will eventually include a native ray tracer as well.
GUL - Geometry Utility Library for construction, evaluation, manipulation and visualization of geometric objects, especially for parametric and implicit defined surfaces.
Open source 3D-patch modeler and animation tool designed to model and animate "organic" shapes such as humans, animals, and aliens. It is written in Java, and outputs to POV-Ray and RenderMAN format.
Fast scientific 3D-visualization software optimized for Win real time render of regular meshes and scattered data. OpenGL based 3D Viewer for surface topography, Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM, SPM, STM), dimensional metrology.
A powerful and accurate 3d model, scene, NURBS, animation translator. Complete scene conversion in a single integrated software package. Creates "Render Ready" models. Includes conversion options to choose from.
Model and render 3D objects and scenes. It runs on Windows95/NT, Linux and Mac. It can create and modify graphically b-rep, blob, NURBS models; object can be logically intersected or subtracted.
Digital Clay is 3D modeling and visualization software for Windows. Features 20 types of auto distortion filters, 3-D paint function and the capability to export models in most 3-D file formats.
Complete 3D file format viewing and converting solution, with the ability to freely convert between all supported 3D file format types (currently 20). OpenGL hardware support. Vertex scaling function. [Win 95/98/ME/2000/NT 4.0]