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 Computers » Software » Graphics » 3D » Ray Tracing

 Web Pages    21 - 27   of   27 Back to Ray Tracing Home 

 21 - Java Ray Tracer Browse Website open in new window
Java ray tracing engine distributed under the GNU General Public License. Images, screenshots, download, and feature list.


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The FAQ about speed optimization for raytracing for use in realtime raytracing.


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Personal page with links to programs for modeling, Ray tracing, converting, and animating. Plus models for various ray tracers. Windows, MacOS and Unix.


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Open Source Raytracer with a scene description language that provides constructs for programming like loops and functions. Its written in C++ and runs on Windows and Linux/Unix.


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A game engine aiming towards three dimensional computer graphics which fits both human perception and the shape of the real world better than common polygon engines do. Linux.


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 26 - Rayshade Browse Website open in new window
An extensible system for creating ray-traced images. It is written in C, yacc, and lex, and runs on Unix, AmigaOS, OS/2, DOS and Older MacOS.


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 27 - RayTraccio Browse Website open in new window
A Java ray-tracer running as a applet that wants to be simple and clean but nonetheless has some advanced features.


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