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 Computers » Software » Graphics » 3D » Ray Tracing » Research and Papers

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Nick Rasmussen, Duc Quang Nguyen, Willi Geiger and Ronald Fedkiw presents an efficient method for simulating highly detailed large scale participating media such as nuclear explosions.


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Mostly relating to global illumination algorithms and monte carlo light tracing.


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Splatting is a fast volume rendering algorithm which achieves its speed by projecting voxels in the form of pre-integrated interpolation kernels, or splats. By Klaus Mueller and Roger Crawfis.


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Describes a method to visualize the curved spacetime around blackholes. By Tetsu Satoh, Haruo Takemura and Naokazu Yokoya.


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A PhD thesis in PDF format, introducing new volume graphics concepts. Includes background reviews of volume visualization and graphics. Also includes a specification of the vlib volume graphics API and describes volumetric ray-tracing.


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Presents a summary of the state of radiosity research 1992 by S.M Drucker. In PDF format.


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