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 Computers » Software » Fonts

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32-bit app that preview, print, and manage TrueType and Type 1 fonts. Sort font previews by filename, directory, font name, size, date, kerning pairs or copyright. [Win 95/98/NT/2000]


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 22 - FontShow 2000 Browse Website open in new window
A small program useful for viewing the TrueType fonts installed on your Windows system.


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Install new fonts on the computer quickly and easily. Look at any font, and how it will be installed on the computer.


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Font management utility that uses an HTML like interface for viewing and printing fonts.


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Software shows all the 256 ASCII character set available from the selected font, and the decimal, hexadecimal, binary and octal equivalencies, and the needed keystrokes, including the control's characters.


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Shareware application to view installed and external fonts or preview and install fonts.


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Training CD which provides an understanding of both screen and printer fonts, ATM Deluxe and working with PostScript, TrueType, and Multiple Master fonts.


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 28 - Bitstream Inc. Browse Website open in new window
btX is a font subsystem that brings sophisticated font capabilities to the X Windows environment. btX gives Linux the same font presentation as that found on the Macintosh and Windows.


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 29 - FontTool Browse Website open in new window
Converts the entire character set of a Windows font to a 16 x 16 character map and writes out an uncompressed Windows BMP. Ideal for using proportional fonts in games and speed critical apps.


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 30 - Font Runner Browse Website open in new window
Font management tool that allows one to use TrueType fonts without having to install them.


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