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 Computers » Software » Fonts

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Steve Gibson explains subpixel rendering as used in Microsoft ClearType, shows how it originally worked on the Apple II, and provides a 35k Windows program to experiment with subpixel rendering.


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Searches for font files, sorts them into folders, and stores the information in a database. Web interface and tarball font download provided.


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Basic program that allows all fonts installed on a system to be viewed simultaneously, with example text written in each font displayed alongside. Print out samples of the text, in all accessible variants of writing. [Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP]


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 14 - Font Wrangler Browse Website open in new window
A shareware font manager from Alchemy Mindworks Inc. that will install, remove, rename, print a contact sheet and browse TrueType fonts under Windows 95/98/2000/NT, with batch processing and visual previews.


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 15 - Font Utilities Browse Website open in new window
Advanced Font Catalog is an easy to use tool with explorer-like interface which allows you to catalog the drives with fonts files. Windows shareware.


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 16 - EuroCheck Browse Website open in new window
Checks your fonts and operating system for support of the Euro symbol. Freeware.


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Font manager for True Type and Type 1 fonts.


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Shareware package that views fonts (installed or not), prints font catalogs, manages fonts, and installs and uninstalls fonts quickly.


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Publishers of Printer's Apprentice, a professional font manager for TrueType and Adobe Type 1 font files, and other font utilities for Microsoft Windows.


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Font conversion program for anyone who needs more typefaces, wants to create new variations of fonts, or wants to use their typefaces in a broader variety of applications.


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