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 Computers » Software » Educational » Administration and School Management

 Web Pages    71 - 80   of   85 Back to Administration and School Management Home 

 71 - Centre SIS Browse Website open in new window
An open source student information system for public and non-public schools, including scheduling, grade book, attendance, report cards, eligibility, and transcripts.


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 72 - School Run Browse Website open in new window
[Win] Relational database to manage timetables, student accounts, book lists and reports. Targeted for language schools. FAQs, features and order form.


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Provides software for tracking time served to students in Content Mastery Labs.


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 74 - TL Interactive Browse Website open in new window
A consulting and software company that helps UK schools get the most from their management information system with focus on timetabling and assessment.


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Sells several K-12 education products including Interactive Voice Response, Virtual School, and Touch Screen.


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 76 - Ascon Developer Browse Website open in new window
Staff development software which covers performance management, and supports the implementation of the "Investors in People" standard. News, features and support.


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 77 - 5schools.com Browse Website open in new window
[Win] Charter school database and accounting software for the internet. The programs are customizable, and work on the web. Allows data entry from remote locations.


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[Win] A school administration software package with information management to serve post secondary schools, integrates admissions, student records, grades, attendance, and billing. Product information, support, and client testimonials.


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 79 - wsEnrichment Browse Website open in new window
[Web Based] Registration and interactive course catalog creation. Site includes a free demo, testimonials and features.


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[Web] A free system consisting of admissions, alumni tracking, attendance, fund raising and gradebooks. Demo, a virtual tour, and detailed features list.


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