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 Computers » Software » Educational » Administration and School Management

 Web Pages    11 - 20   of   85 Back to Administration and School Management Home 

 11 - Schoolmaster Browse Website open in new window
[Win-Mac] Student information system for school and districts featuring Web access to student data for teachers and parents. Track and report attendance, grading, behavior, health, fees, transportation and lockers. Features list, support, and screen s...


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 12 - Access-It Browse Website open in new window
[Mac-Win] A library automation program designed for schools and small businesses. Web demo, user reviews and support page.


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 13 - SeniorSystems Browse Website open in new window
A suite of programs that handle admissions, business affairs, registrar, alumni tracking and a bookstore. Features list and knowledge base for support.


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 14 - Site@School Browse Website open in new window
A Content Management System (CMS) to manage and maintain the website of a primary school. It is Open Source Software, licensed under the General Public license.


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Home of LLMS, a fully customizable web based lifelong learning business management software.


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Create class rosters, catalogs and transcripts, offer promotional discounts and generate useful executive and marketing reports. Site contains webcast demo's, product features and a comparison sheet. [Web Based]


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Student and financial management system running from a single database. Features in PDF format, list of upcoming trade shows and user groups.


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 18 - School MATRIX Browse Website open in new window
Database software allowing tracking of progress towards goals and benchmarks set for individuals, teachers, schools and districts.


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 19 - AccuTrack Browse Website open in new window
Software specially developed for academic centers and learning labs. Download a 30-day evaluation version.


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 20 - K12Planet Browse Website open in new window
Available to any U.S. school district currently using Chancery's Win School or Mac School student information systems, K12Planet provides school-to-home portal that gives parents and students instant access to grades, attendance, homework assignments,...


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