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 Computers » Software » Data Administration

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Provides order entry, point of sale and inventory/production for general retail, foodservice, wholesale and sales rep/agents. Provides Client/Server between remote mobile PDA/CE devices in the field and host PC.


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Producer of the AS/400 Report Downloader, a client/server utility for moving AS/400 report data to other formats.


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Provides Electronic Data Discovery (EDD) outsourcing solutions with the HardCopy Pro Plus and the in-house solution, EDD Workstation.


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 34 - Speedata Browse Website open in new window
Data entry and verification package.


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 35 - Dbasupport.com Browse Website open in new window
Provides online support resources for oracle database professionals. Features include, oracle dba scripts, backup and recovery, performance tuning, free certification training (OCP) and dba forums


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Provides enterprise solutions that align application data management with business objectives.


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Data conversion and interchange software for reading and writing mainframe and Unix tapes on Windows 95/98 or Windows NT.


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 38 - NTP Software Browse Website open in new window
Provider of storage management solutions that deliver compliance, control, reporting, planning, cost allocation, content filtering, user management, and quotas.


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