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 Computers » Software » Data Administration

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Specializes in backup tape restoration, database conversion, and computer forensics.


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Data entry software systems for mainframe and PC. Products provide data entry application development, screen design, as well as advanced processing and validation.


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Offers SureSync, a file synchronization utility that allows users to specify the files they want replicated on a scheduled basis or in real-time.


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Develops vendor and platorm-independent storage software, including Storage Area Network (SAN) solutions, backup and recovery tools and disaster recovery software.


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Enhancing the value of your Information Resources. This page includes topics of interest to Data Analysts and Administrators, IRM Analysts, Quality Assurance analysts and others dedicated to providing high quality information systems.


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Home Page for Data Resource Management, Data Warehouse, Data Modeling, Database Management.


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Provides business efficiency technology software solutions for data moving, mass maintenance and file conversion tasks.


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 18 - Acmeware Browse Website open in new window
specialized in the development of corporate desktop environment and infrastructure.


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Develops database software for city and county governments with systems including law enforcement, utility billing, tax, and judicial.


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 20 - Nimaya Inc. Browse Website open in new window
Software providing a real-time, contextually-sensitive view of the customer.


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