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 Computers » Security » Products and Tools » Cryptography » File Encryption

 Web Pages    31 - 38   of   38 Back to File Encryption Home 

 31 - visNotes Browse Website open in new window
An encrypted memo sheet for private memos and texts. Access is protected by the well-known patented Visual Key technology.


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Software to encrypt sensitive documents and email attachments using the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES).


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 33 - SecureDNA Browse Website open in new window
Encrypt files, folders, CDs, E-mails, USB sticks, conceal data in files and wipe files.


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 34 - Ecoded.com Browse Website open in new window
Provides EC3, a free program using a proprietary cipher with key sizes ranging from 256 bit to 65536 bits.


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 35 - CHAOS' doors Browse Website open in new window
CHAOS' doors can compress the files and folders before encrypting them, giving additional security to your information.


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 36 - WinTrezur Browse Website open in new window
Encrypts images and other files in strongly encrypted archives. Allows direct preview of images in archives. [Windows]


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 37 - KFileCoder Browse Website open in new window
C++ open source Linux KDE file encryption utility with optional bzip or gzip compression, using the PC1 algorithm with 128-bit keys (one key per file in the archive).


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 38 - LexiGuard Browse Website open in new window
File protection software that supports most common encryption algorithms. Can generate own keys and certificates or import them from other PKI vendors. Includes emergency key recovery facilities. [Windows]


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