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 Computers » Security » Products and Tools » Cryptography » File Encryption

 Web Pages    21 - 30   of   38 Back to File Encryption Home 

 21 - CipherPack Browse Website open in new window
CipherPack compresses and enciphers files using industrial strength cryptographic techniques and then 'packs' them with the decompression and deciphering code. Use as a standalone utility or anti-piracy software.


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File encryption utility, integrates with Windows explorer interface. [Windows, Freeware]


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 23 - PowerKey Browse Website open in new window
Encryption toolkit designed to protect sensitive data. Features secure deletion (Wipe) option to avoid restoration of sensitive data. Product specifications, FAQs, and downloads.


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 24 - RS-Computer Browse Website open in new window
Disk Crypt encryption "on the fly" creates a virtual disk on your system (cryptdisk). (Keyfile) and a highly secure passphrase process.


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 25 - Folder-Protector Browse Website open in new window
Folder encryption utility supporting 256-bit BLOWFISH algorithm.


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 26 - CryptDecrypt Browse Website open in new window
File and folder encryption utility supporting AES, GOST, 3DES, RC2, RC4 and Windows data protection API.


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 27 - nokVAULT Corp Browse Website open in new window
A proprietary file system, unique to each installation, to encrypt and hide files.


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File, folder and disk encryption utility with 256 bit AES encryption, integrates with Windows Explorer interface, also includes file shredder.


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 29 - PrivacyCrypt Browse Website open in new window
Information and DLLs to assist the implementation of DES and RSA cryptographic subsystems.


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 30 - WinSesame Browse Website open in new window
Encryption software to password protect folders on hard disk, network, CD, and external drives on Windows 98, Me, 2000, XP, Vista computers.


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