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 Computers » Robotics » Software » Control

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Event-driven controller for small remote robots. This approach uses a MIDI-style object mechanism for controlling over the internet. JINI and Java based.


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 22 - KControl Browse Website open in new window
A Linux-based control and monitor program for the Khepera robot. C++ source is included. License prohibits most non-educational use.


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 23 - Robosoft Browse Website open in new window
A multiprocess robotic "nervous system" that will allow a four-legged robot to control itself autonomously in nine degrees of freedom. Robosoft is Open Source C++ code under the BSD license.


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The Simple Provisional Language for Actions and Tasks provides both a language for specifying control laws and a runtime environment for executing and monitoring them. Based on RScheme. SPLAT is Free Software licensed under the GNU GPL.


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For PC/104+ users. Includes Linux drivers for the ACCES 104-DIO-48S digital I/O board, up to 8 Polaroid ultrasonic sensors, and an interface to a PIC controller for motor control with encoder feedback. Free Software written in C and licensed under the...


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OOMRM is a C++ library developed for the 68332 MRM microprocessor board. It includes a host (Windows/Linux) mobile robot simulator that can be run independently of the 68332. OOMRM is Free Software licensed under the GNU LGPL.


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Multi-tasking control program for a Sumo robot equipped with multiple sensors. C source code for the 68HC11 Handiboard.


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A software platform and associated hardware with a focus on educational use. Software can handle 100+ I/O ports, up to 12-16 servos and many DC motors. EGgO is written in Python, runs on Linux and is Free Software licensed under the GNU GPL.


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CMU MultiRobot Lab MARS packages are complete, effective and scalable software for autonomous robot teams. Support for integrated perception, reasoning, learning, communication and cooperative strategies that solve complex multiagent tasks. Free Softw...


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