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 Computers » Robotics » Personal Pages

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 41 - Duckett, T. Browse Website open in new window
Researcher in Autonomous Sensor Systems. Assistant Professor at the Centre for Applied Autonomous Sensor Systems at Örebro University in Sweden. Research interests include autonomous robots, machine learning and neural networks, artificial intelligenc...


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 42 - Kleeman, L. Browse Website open in new window
Associate Professor, Department Electrical and Computer Systems Engineering, Monash University, Australia. List of online publications.


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 43 - Hotze, M. Browse Website open in new window
A 3-servo hexapod with obstacle avoidance capability. Details the design, building process and programming, and shows movies.


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Proposal to build a $10000, 4 ft high, pneumatic, humanoid robot.


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A six wheeled insect inspired robot based on the AVR microcontrollers. Photos, diagrams, and software and brief notes on the use of neural nets and fuzzy logic with the robot.


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 46 - HexWorks Browse Website open in new window
A site about Hamlet, an hexapod autonomous robot.


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 47 - Byrne, Jeffrey Browse Website open in new window
Jeff Byrne is a robotics and computer vision professional, working on image segmentation, image aided navigation and visual collision obstacle detection for unmanned air vehicles (UAVs) and unmanned ground vehicles (UGVs).


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Former director of the Institute of Robotics and Mechatronics at the German Aerospace Center.


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 49 - Scott's Bots Browse Website open in new window
Details about Scott Preston's robot projects, including photos, descriptions, how-to guides and reviews.


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 50 - Milios, E. E. Browse Website open in new window
Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science, York University, Ontario. Interests include computer vision, mobile robotics, and multiagent robotics.


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