Object-oriented extension of Z formal specification language, developed by research team at University of Queensland. Brief description, links, FAQ, tool support, publications, book reference.
The 2nd International Z and B Conference, Grenoble, France, 23-25 January 2002. The 13th International Z User Meeting, The 4th International Conference on the B Method. Proceedings, Tutorials and Education Session, RCS'02 Workshop.
Timed Communicating Object-Z integrates Object-Z and Timed CSP, for modeling state, concurrent events, real-time behavior, and structuring and decomposing systems to control complexity. Description, publications, book list.
Official page. C++ class library, basis of three tools: Moby/PLC, Moby/SDL, and Moby/OZ graphical editor to build specifications in Z/Object-Z, allows structured development via hierarchy concepts, handles many text formats.
Treats building lightweight tools such as Web browser systems for formal specifications and methods. School of Computing, National University of Singapore. January, 2001; as postcript, and pdf files.
Named after Rosetta stone. Gives formal Z specification from annotated UML diagram, integrates data specification in UML with formal annotation in Z, Object-Z. Descriptions, downloads, documents, list of papers, links.
International Z Notation standardization effort finished in 2002 and yielded The ISO/IEC Z Standard. Brief description, links to ISO, panel members, meeting minutes, FAQ, committee drafts.