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 Computers » Programming » Languages » Ruby » Tools

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 31 - Ruby.PHP Browse Website open in new window
Offers a Ruby to PHP compiler, allowing a developer to write Ruby code and compile it to be run with PHP.


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Ruby tools: find2 replaces find.rb, getoptlong library to parse command line options. Other free software.


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Fast Ruby module with Porter stemming algorithm; a process to remove commoner morphological and inflexional endings from words in English; main use is as part of term normalisation process usually done when setting up Information Retrieval systems.


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 34 - Tesly Jr. Browse Website open in new window
Logs results of automated unit tests, and displays results in HTML view. RSS feeds track every test run.


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Projects (Tar2RubyScript, RubyScript2Exe, RubyWebDialogs, AllInOneRuby), well documented; tutorials (Distributing Ruby Applications, Distributing Rails Applications, Monitor-Functions), Code Snippets.


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Ruby O-o Compiler construction toolKIT; easy-to-use, written in and emits Ruby code. Current focus: 'front-end' phases of compiler construction; generates lexer and parser (more advanced than yacc's LaLr(1), grammars in Extended Backus-Naur form.


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A Language for MAcro processing, general purpose, powered by Ruby. Allows using any Ruby method in the same way one uses macros, so, immediately, Alma has thousands of built-in functions. [Open Source, GPL]


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Genetic programming library in Ruby.


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Provides a Rails plugin to offer declarative transaction management.


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Small amounts of Ruby/Tk, SSI filter for HTML documents, initializer for multi-dimensional arrays, flock function checker, rot13, email counter/grapher.


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