Stable and free standard Prolog implementation. Targeted primarily at research and education. Windows, Linux and Unix versions available. Comes with a visual debugger and a GUI environment.
This Prolog compiler for Windows 95/98/NT and Unix/Linux supports OLE and Prolog CGI Scripts. Strawberry Prolog is suitable for client-server applications and has unique debugging facilities.
This compiler accepts Prolog + constraint programs and produces native binaries. The obtained executable is subsequently stand-alone. The size of this executable can be quite small since GNU Prolog can avoid linking the code of most unused built-in pr...
An object-oriented extension to the Prolog programming language. It integrates logic programming with object-oriented and event-driven programming. Compatible with most Prolog compilers. [Open source]
This ISO-conformant, performance-oriented Prolog development system also features interfaces with C/C++, Java and ODBC-compliant DBMS's and an OOP extension.
The University of Porto's Edinburgh-style, WAM-based Prolog engine is available on 32-bit machines running Sun and Linux and 64-bit Alphas running OSF UNIX and Linux. An open-source policy is being implemented with regard to distribution.
This extensible Prolog version runs under Windows, Linux, Solaris and HP/UX, supporting development of client and server applications embeddable in the web, C/C++, Java, Delphi, Visual Basic and other environments. An IDE is available for Windows alon...
WIN-PROLOG, DOS-PROLOG, MacProlog32 compilers. Products range from Prolog++ an OOPs extension, flex an expert system toolkit, and various web based technologies. [Commercial]
Full ISO-Prolog compliant system, modular design allows language restriction and extension. Descriptions, contacts, mail lists, downloads. [Open Source, GPL]