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 Computers » Programming » Languages » Java » Official Documentation

 Web Pages    11 - 20   of   22 Back to Official Documentation Home 

Glossary with Java applet search facility. A non-Java version is also available.


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 12 - Java IDL Browse Website open in new window
Java CORBA interface


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Documentation for Java "bytecode" class file format.


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Documentation, user's guide, FAQ, and implementation download.


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 15 - JavaHelp Browse Website open in new window
Downloads, user's guide, FAQ, help authoring tools, and mailing list.


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 16 - Java 1.3 API Browse Website open in new window
Complete on-line documentation for version 1.3 of Java.


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 17 - The JAIN APIs Browse Website open in new window
White papers, FAQs, specifications for this set of next generation telecom products and services.


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Java Telephony API is used for controlling telephone calls from the Java programming language.


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Focuses on design issues and human-computer interaction in the context of the Java look and feel. Also attempts to provide a common vocabulary for designers, developers, and other professionals.


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Quick access to the official programming documentation for JDK 1.0-1.3, Sun Java tools, and related Java APIs.


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