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 Computers » Programming » Languages » Java » Enterprise Edition » Servlets » Applications

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Free, open source Java servlets. Guestbooks, csmailform, postcards and email packages.


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 2 - JetSpeed Browse Website open in new window
Servlet implementation of an open protocol GroupWare product. The backend (search engines, news, weather, POP3/IMAP/LDAP/NNTP, database) will be based on other open source packages. [Open Source, BSD-like]


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An application development toolkit built on top of Java servlet technology.


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A collection of Java servlets that allow developers to quickly build REST-style web services that expose data accessed via the JDBC API to the Web. [Open Source, Apache license 2.0]


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 5 - GifServlet Browse Website open in new window
GifServlet is a base class enabling you to generate GIF images from a servlet.


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 6 - JFormMail Browse Website open in new window
A generic HTML form to e-mail gateway that parses the results of any form and sends them to the specified users. It 100% compatible with Matt's original FormMail script. [Open source]


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