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 Computers » Programming » Languages » Java » Class Libraries » Logging

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Logging package for printing log output to different local and remote destinations. Selection and filtering of log events at runtime. [Open Source, APL]


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 2 - JDBCAppender Browse Website open in new window
Log4J compatible for logging messages to database. [Open Source, APL]


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Offers support on log4j as well as information concerning a book on this topic.


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A Eclipse plugin which helps use logger easily in Java Projects. It's not bound to any special logging framework, but can used with Log4j, Commons Logging, or custom logger.


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 5 - Lumberjack Browse Website open in new window
This API Conforms to the Logging API in JDK1.4, but is available for pre-1.4 JDKs.


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 6 - Chainsaw Browse Website open in new window
An application for visual viewing and filtering of log4j events. [Open Source, GPL]


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A logging class library with runtime configurable formatting and event filtering. [Open Source, MPL]


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Framework for logging in Java. [Open source]


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 9 - Java Syslog Browse Website open in new window
Java based syslogd client and server implementation. [Open Source, GPL]


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Converts arbitrary Java objects into strings for logging. Configured via a properties file similar to log4j.properties. [Open Source, APL]


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