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 Computers » Programming » Languages » Java » Applets » Graphics and Animation

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Java applet which allows viewing of the relationships between saturation, intenstity, hue, and luma. [Source code available]


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 12 - ViewTIFF Browse Website open in new window
Applet that allows the viewing of color or black and white TIFF documents through the Internet. [Commercial, with demo version]


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Animates juggling tricks (so called siteswaps) with Java 3D graphics.


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 14 - Mugshot Maker Browse Website open in new window
Online applet for creating mugshots.


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Colorful applets with source code and a description of the applet parameters. The applets are written in Java 1.0 and thus available problem-free on all Java enabled browsers.


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 16 - Kisekae World Browse Website open in new window
Japanese animation. An integrated development system for creating and playing with KiSS paper dolls.


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 17 - Draw4free Browse Website open in new window
Free, 2D+ vector drawing applet or application.


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Lines and circles. [Shareware]


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 19 - FLI/FLC-player Browse Website open in new window
Inline FLI/FLC-player in Java. [Open source, GPL]


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 20 - VectaSketch Browse Website open in new window
A 2D graphics applet and control interpreted language. Using it easier than coding effects in Java.


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