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 Computers » Programming » Languages » Fortran

 Web Pages    11 - 20   of   27 Back to Fortran Home 

 11 - Fortranplus Browse Website open in new window
Fortran training and consultancy service. Provides information on courses, consulting, and books as well as general Fortran resources.


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Distributed computing in background, courses, links; at Liverpool University.


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A collection of Fortran links compiled by H. D. Knoble.


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 14 - Fortran Wiki Browse Website open in new window
An open venue for documenting and discussing all aspects of the Fortran programming language and scientific computing. Includes source code, tools, discussion, news, and an FAQ.


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Group provides an open forum for Fortran users, distributes information about Fortran, promotes the language, and encourages its development. Describes goals and activities of group and contains presentations from meetings.


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Links to papers on Object-Oriented Programming in Fortran 90, Optimization techniques for RISC processors, Parallel Particle-in-Cell Codes, Parallel Computing Tutorial, and Modernization of Fortran Legacy Codes.


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 17 - Fortran Friends Browse Website open in new window
Self-help group of RISC OS users who use Fortran, mainly for scientific applications.


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Discusses using Fortran on Linux and provides links to Fortran code repositories and compiler vendors.


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Online petition to retire Fortran, with ten reasons given. Has FAQ and rebuttal by Van Snyder.


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Service to convert Fortran 77 to fully ANSI/ISO compliant C++ to preserve the value of the code and existing documentation.


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