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 Computers » Programming » Languages » Fortran » Source Code » Statistics and Econometrics

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Fortran 90 codes for univariate and multivariate random number generation, computation of simple statistics, covariance matrices, principal components analysis, multiple regression, and jacknife cross-validation, by Dan Hennen.


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Fortran 95 programs for the training and model selection of support vector machines for classification and regression tasks.


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Originally by H. Akaike, modified by T. Morikawa, M. Sigemori, and T. Wada.


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Fortran 77 code to compute the estimators of multiple regression parameters by a family of Maximum Entropy Leuven Estimators under severe multicollinearity.


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Fortran and C codes by H. Joe to accompany paper.


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By E. Prescott.


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Codes in Fortran 77, 90, C, IDL, and Matlab.


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Fortran 77 codes to estimate cross and power spectra by sine multitapers and to plot x-y data.


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Code by Marne C. Cario and Barry L. Nelson to simulate stationary time series with arbitrary marginal distributions and feasible autocorrelation structure specified through lag p.


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Fortran 77 code and documentation by Tim Cohn.


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