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 Computers » Programming » Languages » Fortran » Source Code » Statistics and Econometrics

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Two pseudorandom number generators, ranut and rannw, written in Fortran 77 by Richard P. Brent and released under the GNU General Public License.


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Program for canonical community ordination by [partial] [detrended] [canonical] correspondence analysis, principal components analysis and redundancy analysis. [Commercial]


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Fortran 77 programs for correspondence analysis, by Jari Oksanen.


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Fortran 90 routines by Ian Enting for calculating smoothing splines and propagating data uncertainties to obtain uncertainty ranges for the spline fits.


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Fortran 77 programs from book by Urban Hjorth: cross validation of forward selection, forward validation, and bootstrapping.


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Developed by Robert E. Kalaba and Leigh Tesfatsion, implements the flexible least squares (FLS) approach to time-varying linear regression proposed by Kalaba and Tesfatsion in "Time-Varying Linear Regression Via Flexible Least Squares, " Computers and...


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Fortran 77 programs by Yong Zeng.


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Fortran 77 code for random number generation (uniform, exponential, normal, binomial, poisson, geometric, gamma, beta, negative binomial and Weibull), and GLIMCLIM (Generalised Linear Modelling of daily climate sequences).


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Fortran 90 code using the backpropagation algorithm to fit a neural network to pairs of input vectors and target vectors. Numerical Recipes code is used for singular value decomposition.


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Fortran 77 and IDL codes for time series regression and detrending.


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