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 Computers » Programming » Internet » W3C DOM

 Web Pages    11 - 18   of   18 Back to W3C DOM Home 

Open source, Java, OO DBMS which includes a DOM interface.


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Tests in JavaScript for compliance with some parts of the W3C DOM specifications.


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Promises to create a fully standards-compliant DOM interface. It is based on Daniel Veillard's libxml.


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A stand-alone ECMAScript interpreter that supports Level 1 DOM Core. An XSLT processor contains the same engine.


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 15 - xmlBlaster Browse Website open in new window
XML and CORBA/RMI/XML-RPC based MOM (message oriented middleware) for Java/C/C++/Perl/Tcl/Python. Free for commercial and non commercial use (LGPL).


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Project implementing the DOM as a persistent object in the Zope application server. Currently implements Core levels 1 and 2, XML level 2, and some Core and Loading level 3.


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 17 - DOM 1 Reference Browse Website open in new window
Reference guide with examples.


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 18 - DOM2 Reference Browse Website open in new window
Reference guide with examples for the second release of the object model.


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