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 Computers » Programming » Internet » W3C DOM


JavaScript (65) Specifications (11) XML Parsers (10)

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An open-source XML/HTML browser which is implementing full Level 2 DOM support.


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Definitive specification for the DOM.


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Different open source tools, most of which use the Xerces implementation (DOM Level 1 and 2) as a base. Xerces itself is available in Java, C++, Perl, and COM.


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Full support for the Level 1 DOM.


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XML for C++ parser (XML4C) is a validating XML parser written in a portable subset of C++. It implements Level 1 and some of Level 2 DOM, as well as providing SAX interfaces. Source code, samples and API documentation are provided with the parser.


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 6 - XML4P Perl DOM Browse Website open in new window
Includes a collection of Perl5 wrapper objects that internally use their XML4C counterparts for Level 1 DOM processing.


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A validating XML parser written in 100% pure Java, which includes an implementation of the Level 1 DOM, some of the Level 2 DOM, and SAX.


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A list of DOM resources.


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Built on Mozilla code, this browser has the same support for the DOM as Mozilla does.


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A full DOM level 2 implementation for Python, included in the PyXML package.


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