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 Computers » Programming » Contests » Personal Pages

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Problem sets from past ACM programming contests. Most of them are from regional contests and some from the finals.


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Home page of Tom Verhoeff providing guidelines for producing an "ACM style" programming contest problem set.


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Home page of the grand prize winner in Sun Microsystem's Java programming contest in 1995.


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Schedule and links to programming contests.


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 5 - Cilk Pousse Browse Website open in new window
Home page of the first prize winners of the ICFP Functional Programming Contest from MIT Laboratory for Computer Sciences.


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Home page with problem archives of past ACM Programming Contests.


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A simple java contest site with a forum to chatter about it. Monthly/Bi-monthly contests.


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Personal homepage of Zeyuan Zhu and his friends. Programming resources (problems and solutions).


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Home page of City University of Hong Kong, the first place winners in the ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest (ACM/ICPC) Asia Regional.


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Contestant and coach of prior programming contest teams in ACM Programming Contest regionals.


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Olympos Beach

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