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 Computers » Programming » Compilers

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Links to free programming compilers and interpreters categorized by language.


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A software porting technology, intended to help develop shrink-wrapped software for open systems, independent of any particular processor architecture.


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Reviews of compiler books, with links to Amazon just in case you want to buy one


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Internals of one-pass compiler by example Pascal compiler.


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Compiler of the theoretical language L, which is used as a simple language for teaching computation theory.


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 16 - Dmitry Smaghin Browse Website open in new window
A collection of educational compilers, assemblers, disassemblers, interpreters with sources (C, Pascal). Links to freeware compilers. [English, Russian]


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LL(1) parser generator, implementations of Euler, and Backus' FP, all written in Icon.


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Multi-site working groups and projects listing.


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A list of home pages for researchers working on programming language theory, design, implementation, and related areas. Maintained by Mark Leone at CMU.


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