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 Computers » Programming » Agents » Mobile Agents

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The Aglets Software Development Kit (ASDK) is a framework and environment for researching and developing mobile agents.


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 2 - Tryllian Browse Website open in new window
Commercial vendor of mobile agent technology in Java. Creators of Gossip, a personal agent that trades useful information with fellow Gossip agents.


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Find out about the inner workings of aglets, IBM Japan's Java-based autonomous software agent technology


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Free framework for mobile agents implemented in Java.


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Mobile agents are agents that can physically travel across a network, and perform tasks on machines that provide agent hosting capability. In this paper, the technology behind mobile agents is examined, and an analysis of its uses and implications is ...


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Homepage of the IPMS project. Provides an extension for developing mobile agents on the JADE platform.


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A flexible and easy to extendable Mobile Agents System written in Java. [Open source, LGPL]


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A mobile agent system. Technical description and code download.


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